Natural Frequencies and Other Devices

19octSee info for times27Natural Frequencies and Other Devicesby Joe DugganEvent Type Exhibitions(See info for times)(GMT+01:00)

Date & Time

October 19, 2024 - October 27, 2024 (See info for times)(GMT+01:00)

Event Details

Artist Joe Duggan unveils his latest solo exhibition in Senate House’s Crush Hall, featuring eight meticulously crafted sculptures designed to evoke the unseen yet impactful forces shaping our lives, such as wind, radio signals, electricity, and WiFi. Fashioned primarily from reclaimed wood, notably from an old apple tree in Duggan’s garden, these sculptures carry titles like “Wind Shaper” and “Particle Accelerator,” blending  profundity with humour.

Through innovative use of salvaged materials, Duggan challenges conventional sculpture norms, urging viewers to reconsider their connection with their environment. The sculptures, housed amidst the iconic Art Deco architecture of Senate House, gain additional layers of meaning, juxtaposing simplicity with the impermanence of ideologies. Concurrently, Duggan’s monumental piece Echo is showcased in Russell Square gardens, furthering the discourse on the transient nature of human beliefs.

With a background in photography from the Royal College of Art, Duggan’s multidisciplinary practice spans sculpture, photography, and video, offering diverse avenues for exploration. Find out more about his work here on his website.

Mon – Fri 9am – 8pm
Sat 9.45am – 5pm
Sun 9am – 5pm

Natural Frequencies and Other Devices
Natural Frequencies and Other Devices


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Natural Frequencies and Other Devices

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