2020 Art Competition

A competition, for students and recent graduates in Fine Art, to create an artwork based on this year’s Bloomsbury Festival theme, Vision,  as part of the Festival’s New Wave programme.

The winning artwork will be selected by a panel of experts and influential partners at the end of June, including Her Grace the Duchess of Bedford, Kieren Reed, Director of The Slade School of Art, Rosemary Richards ,Director of Bloomsbury Festival, and representatives from The House of Illustration, and Camden Council’s Arts Development department.


  • Solo Exhibition – The winning artwork will be displayed at a solo exhibition throughout the Festival at a venue to be decided in consultation with the winning artist. Bloomsbury Festival will contribute up to £150 towards the cost of the exhibition installation (including framing, printing). The exhibition will be listed in the Bloomsbury Festival brochure and online. NB exhibition of final work will be at the discretion of the Festival Director if the works completed are not in keeping with the accepted proposal;
  • Cash Prize + – The winner will receive a prize of £300, a weekend trip to Woburn Safari park and overnight stay in the Woburn Hotel, a free Bloomsbury Festival pass, and an invitation to an exclusive Festival opening reception.
  • Private View & PR – A private view and reception for up to 30 people with wine and soft drinks. Guest list to be managed by the winner in consultation with the Festival Director.  A press release citing the winner of the competition will be sent to local and arts & design press, alongside a news feature on the Bloomsbury Festival website.

Runners up

  • Invitation to the Festival launch – Runners up will receive an invitation to the opening VIP event.


Applicants should be

  • 18 years old or over
  • Degree level or higher students of Fine Art or graduates in the last 3 years.

The artwork will represent

  • Bloomsbury Festival
  • The 2020 theme– VISION


  • 2D works eligible only (including photography);
  • Artwork proposals should be submitted as a hi-res pdf to: claire@bloomsburyfestival.org.uk by 5pm on Friday 19 June 2018;
  • Please include images of work or mock ups
  • Winning proposal will require the final artwork/s to be submitted by Friday 4 October 2019 for exhibit from Friday 16 October to Sunday 25 October 2020. The winner is requested to keep the Festival Director informed of progress in advance of the final deadline;
  • When sending entries, please include your name, phone number, institution, course and year of study in your email;
  • The winner will be contacted by email in the first instance, to be followed by an online announcement;
  • By entering this competition, you are agreeing to have your name and details used in a press release and online.


2020 Art Competition