What writer doesn’t secretly harbour the desire to be a flâneur/euse? To stroll the streets at leisure, soaking up the random encounter, the snatch of conversation, the hidden message? Twenty six writers from award-winning writers group, 26, were given licence to indulge this fantasy for the wonderful new EYE:SPY project. The map of Bloomsbury was divided into a grid of 26 squares, then each of writer was assigned a square at random and asked to unearth the hidden stories it contained. Some managed to visit the area in person, others conducted their investigation virtually.
Today (Sat 3 Oct) the first pieces of writing are revealed. Each day we’ll be releasing a new piece in the lead up to the Festival. Check the EYE:SPY page daily, to read each piece as it’s released.
You can also hear writers from 26 shares some of the conversations its members initiated since the pandemic struck in 26 Weeks on Wed 21 Oct. > More Info and Booking